
CSTHA management consists of an Executive Board, a hierarchical institution which consists of the Chairman, Members of the Board, Vice Presidents, and the Directory.

The Chairman of the Executive Board also serves as the President of the organization, meaning they both oversee the company and take part in day-to-day operations.  The Chairman serves for 5 years and must be reappointed by a vote of the Members of the Board at the end of their term.

Members of the Board serve as assistants to the Chairman, and their votes help to guide the organization forward on large decisions and throughout major projects.  The Members serve for 2 years and must be reappointed by the Chairman at the ends of their terms.

Vice Presidents are directly selected by the Chairman, in their capacity as President, and confirmed by a vote of the Board.  They are appointed indefinitely, and may either resign for any reason or be dismissed for failing to perform their duties.  The CSTHA currently has two Vice Presidencies, with the third branch being managed by the Chairman.

The Directory, naturally, consists of various project and program directors which are brought on to help the organization flex to changing needs.  If a Member of the Board is appointed to the Directory, their title is Executive Director as opposed to Director.

The current CSTHA management consists of: Term Start Term End

Chairman of the Executive Board / President Winston Clapper Aug 2022 Aug 2027

Member of the Board Tom Bates Aug 2022 Aug 2024